Memorial Park Bench
The memorial park bench is a beautiful way to pay tribute to friends and loved ones that have passed. This particular bench was created for to honor the victims of the Pulse Night Club Tragedy. It was placed in Orlando, Florida and will be a place for friends, family, and the community to mourn, share memories, and remember.
To get started on a memorial bench, give us a call at (801) 960-6323, or keep scrolling to learn more about bench process.

Memorial Park Bench Process:
Memorial Bench Ideas
To get started, first email us your ideas for the memorial bench. For this bench, the city of Orlando wanted a simple inscription to honor the victims of the Pulse Night Club Tragedy. Our team also works with photographs, AI Files, word documents, etc.
Bench Proof
After we receive your design ideas, our team gets straight to work on a proof. This will be sent to you to go over before the bench is sent to laser cutting. As you can see above, the first proof was slightly modified before the final design was sent for manufacturing.
Finished Bench
The park bench is sent to be laser cut, bent into shape, welded, and powder coated. The powder coat provides a smooth, durable finish that is twice as thick as the average paint. We offer a large selection of powder coating colors from neutral bronze to bright blue.
Memorial Park Bench Features:
Weatherproof Finish
Each metal bench goes through a three-step powder coating process. The bench is firist sandblasted with a ultra fine powder.
This removes old paint, rust, and other impurities. It also gives the metal a profile to help the powder coat adhere. Second, an epoxy primer is added to the bench and baked at 400 degrees. This prepares the bench for powder coat, while also keeping the metal from rusting. Lastly, the powder coat is applied through an electrostatic spray gun. It is also baked at 400 degrees and leaves the bench with a smooth, lustrous finish. It is resistant to scratches, chips, and flakes; preventing rust from forming.
Design Options
At Superior Laser Cutting, we offer a variety of design options including: images, sceneries, inscriptions, logos, mascots, and more.
Size Options
The memorial bench is available in a variety of sizes: 4′, 6′, and 8′, as well as in a smaller, Children’s Bench.