Metal City Signs

Is your city ready for a new laser cut metal sign? Each sign that we design is custom made for the city’s need including: logos, inscriptions, images, etc. The metal signs are available with multiple layering options, stand-off or recessive designs, color options, and much more. Give us a call at (385) 225-4644 or click the link below to get started with your city sign.

Metal City Signs Process:

At Superior Laser Cutting, we make it easy to achieve the type of laser cut sign that your city is in need of. Below is a step-by-step guide to the process works when ordering a sign.

Step 1:

Send us your logo or design ideas.
We want your sign to reflect your city and culture, so be sure to email us any and all ideas that you want included into your metal sign. Whether it is a logo, image, certain sceneries around your town (mountains, waterfall, flowers, etc.), our designers will incorporate it into your custom city sign.

Step 2:

A proof will be sent to you.
Our designers will create a proof that shows how the finished sign will look. It will be sent to you for final approval before the sign is laser cut. This way, you can see exactly how your city sign will look and gives you a chance to make any design changes. After approved, we will get to work!

Step 2:

The sign is laser cut, powder coated, and sent directly to you.
After the metal city sign is laser cut, it goes through a three-step powder coating process. This protects the metal from rust and corrosion, while giving the metal a beautiful, vibrant finish. You can learn more here. The sign is then packaged and sent to your city.

Long-Lasting Protection For City Signs

Powder Coating

What is powder coating? Powder coating is a process that involves a fine powder being applied to the sign by means of an electrostatic spray gun. Once the powder has been applied, the sign is placed in an oven at the temperature of 400 degrees. The powder then melts into the metal, creating a tough, durable sign. This method protects the laser cut sign in the following ways:

  • Powder coating is twice as thick as the average paint.
  • The finish is extremely durable; protecting the sign from scratches, chips, and peeling.
  • Adding the powder coat also protects the metal from rust and corrosion.
  • Signs keep their vibrant color, even with continued exposure to sun, rain, and salt spray.

Beautiful Rust Finish Options

The rust coated signs have quickly become one of our customers’ most desired finishing options. It is perfect for both outdoor and indoor locations and creates a unique feel to the surrounding areas. For more information on getting started on a city park sign, give us a call at (385) 225-4644.

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